Planting season is here. The beds are ready, the garden is fertile, and it receives plenty of water so nearly anything will grow. Many classes have planted their garden beds.
We are going to have a weekly play date/garden party throughout the summer. Please bring your family and your garden gloves and join us on Wednesdays anytime between 6-8 pm.
We also need garden volunteers throughout the summer to keep an eye on the garden. Volunteers just need to drop by to check for any problems (bugs, vandalism, and plants in need of water, etc) and weed as much as you feel up to. Here is a link to the volunteer sign-up sheet: sheets/d/1FuhYvElO4qAfeFUAccI1 9dX5-TbPg-RdmHuINxWLAwA/edit?u sp=sharing.
Please feel welcome to stop by any time and enjoy the garden and all of the hard work that the students have put into it. And, if you would like to pull a few weeds while you are there, that would be awesome.
Happy summer! See you in the garden.
- Casey